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about me

basic info

its me, milo, the 14something year old guy. not to dump or anything but my birthday is november 1st so 14 no longer i will be soon! im not sure how to write intros, but i like to list my interests and other disclaimers about me. im most interested in web development (no duh!), roblox, rhythm games, rollercoasters (engineering aspect but i also love riding coasters), art, true crime, the internet, homestuck, and a buncha other things. i unfortunately suffer from hypermobility spectrum disorder (seperate from EDS) and ADHD, both of those diagnosed, but i have other things i believe i may have, such as sensory processing disorder and/or autism, although i never truly "self diagnose" without proper research. i would call myself socially anxious or antisocial by defintion, i do not understand social cues or right from wrong, but i try my best. i have very little to no filter, i say things that might not be appropriate in a situation, this is mainly due to the people i am around but i also try my best to not do anything that'll get me in trouble.


this is the very long part. i like LOTS of things, so i'll just put them in one big paragraph here if you feel inclined to read.

general coding, rhythm games, roblox, minecraft, art, rollercoasters, true crime, homestuck, eddsworld, the internet, weapons, newgrounds, anime (lucky star, watamote, oishiete galko chan, dragon maid, +more), tf2, smash bros, invader zim, computer viruses, touhou, tally hall, spiderman, deadpool, negative xp, sElf, generally just reading, scott pilgrim, diary of a wimpy kid, and all of my own little worlds